Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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Want to know why some small business owners happily hand over large sums of money to advertisers while the large majority look at advertising as an evil industry full of soul sucking vampires?

The simple fact is that the later have no idea if they will get any quality leads in return for their hard-earned dollars.

Meanwhile the small majority of successful small business owners understand with a good amount of certainty just how many leads, sales and profits each dollar they spend will bring in.

The only way they are able to do this is by tracking your results, and in this article I’ll show you the benefits and give you a simple tool for tracking leads.

Three benefits of tracking leads are threefold.

1. It allows you to see exactly what marketing campaigns are working and which ones are not.

With this information you can instantly increase you marketing ROI by tweaking of scrapping campaigns that are not working while increasing your investment and ultimately profits in the ones that are.

2. You know exactly who is referring customers to you.

This is a massive golden nugget of information. Whenever someone refers a customer to your business they are basically throwing you free money your way, and they need to be rewarded for it.

Now depending on your business and profit margins you need to give back to these referees. It could be simple phone call to thank them or a voucher for dinner for two.

Whatever happens do not forget to thank them, because if they are not appreciated after a while they may stop referring or worse, start sending business elsewhere.

3. Gives you the confidence to make plans for you businesses future.

When you know you can spend a dollar and make two it gives you a great amount of confidence for the future. You can make equipment purchases and create plans to grow your business because you have a proven way of generating new leads and sales.

Simple System

All you need is an excel spreadsheet with column headers as follows: Date, Name, Business, Contact Details, Then you add in all the various ways that people find your business.

As each new lead comes through your door or phones you company a quick “How did you hear about us” is all that’s required to reap all the benefits mentioned above.

Then you simply add that data into the spreadsheet, then when and if they purchase from you, you record the transaction value in the relevant column.

A few minutes a day could give you confidence and freedom in your business because it’s all the little things done well that creates a truly successful business.

To Your Future Prosperity,

James Brine
Direct Response Marketing Specialist

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