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Content Marketing

In Part One Of The Content Marketing Success series I explained the many benefits of content marketing and got you to define what medium you would use to broadcast your content.

  • Blogs
  • Video
  • Podcasts

If you missed this articles Read It Here Now.

This week we will look at the subjects you can turn into valuable content based on your own experience and knowledge of your industry.

What Can You Write About?

Many business owners think that there is very little they can write about that is valuable to their target market.

This is mainly because you have been doing it for so long that tips, ideas and information that seem basic to you, are unknown and very valuable to the vast majority of people out there.

If you’ve been in your industry for any length of time you will have a gold mine of information, resources, time saving tips and a whole list of valuable content that people want to learn about.

Go through this list and start writing down topics you can turn into content.


Any type of tip or strategy that saves people time, energy or money related to your products or service, or that helps them achieve a better result.

When you teach people things of value around your product or service you become an expert and create reciprocity(people feel they owe you something). Don’t discount your knowledge, share it with the world.


This is news that has some affect on the people in your target market. Is there new research, new technology, has there been a policy change or event that will affect your industry.

You want your website to become a hub of valuable information that people can turn to, to stay up to date with recent events.


I’m sure you have a list of tools, websites, contacts and technology that could really help people in your target market achieve their goals.

A simple list of valuable resources is a great, simple way to start your content marketing.

Interesting Stories

Part of content marketing is connecting on a deeper level with your target market and building rapport.

  • Maybe you have been through something they are going through
  • Maybe you have solved a problem that many of your clients face
  • Maybe you just have an interesting story that is related to your industry

Whatever it is tell people about it. Let them know there is a real human behind your business.

These topics should get you started, which is the most important part. Unless you block out some time and create your content you will never see the rewards. Even if your first few pieces of content suck, that’s ok, you will get better with experience and your confidence will grow.

Now that you know what subjects your audience wants to hear about, next week we will look at where and how to find specific and timely topics.

This way you will never run out of interesting things to say and your idea generation will become an automated process.

If you have any questions about content marketing, want specific advice on your strategy or would like a professional to handle your entire Content Marketing Strategy, Contact Me Here or call 0423 311 683.

Please leave your feedback and comments below if you have any other questions about content marketing.

I’m always here to help where I can.

To your future prosperity,

James Brine
Direct Response Marketing And Copywriting Specialist
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