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Hard Work Limiting Business Growth

Today I want to give you a 3 simple steps for creating efficient business systems, which is the backbone of  successful and scalable business growth, but first let’s take a quick look at why they are so often overlooked.

Defining a successful business can sometimes be difficult but there are three benchmarks that I am always aiming for when working with clients and on my own business, and they are…

  •  Increase profits
  • Increase customer satisfaction/results
  • Increase efficiency/automation

If you can effectively improve these areas week after week your business will thrive, but I would dare to say that 95% of the business owners I work with barely even think about these benchmarks let alone make consistent daily progress toward improving these areas of their business.

And it’s usually because they are working too hard in their business.

A Valuable Lesson From My Grandma’s Back Door

When I was about younger I used to stay at Grandma’s house quite a lot and there was always a large knitted plaque that hung on the back door with a message that for some reason has stuck with me to this very day.

“The Hurrier I Go The Behinder I Get”

Why I remember this I have no idea.

But its message applies to every business out there today, yes even yours.

You started your business because you had a skill or a product that you believed people would get value from and pay you money for.

That’s a great reason to start a business and if you were right and they did get value and in return pay you money you are probably in a comfortable business.

But there comes a point where you have to objectively look and see if what you are doing in your business day-in-day-out is really generating the highest value for your business and the people you serve?

Is your business providing the profits and the lifestyle that you imagined?
Do you regularly take time to update and improve your products and services so your customers receive greater value?
Di you spend your days on the highest value tasks and delegate the rest to people who specialize in that particular area?
Can you see a day when your business will continue to run successfully while you take a short vacation or switch your phone and computer off for a few days?

If the answer these questions is No, then you need to step back and look at how to change this and here is where you start.

Developing Business Systems

Business systems, processes, workflows (whatever you like to call them) don’t need to be complicated, but they do need to be detailed enough so that a person with the right skill set can come in, look at a “Workflow Diagram” and with a few training sessions be able to complete a task from start to finish without your input.

With a piece of paper follow these steps…

  • Step 1: Define Input: What raw materials, info, man hours is needed to begin production of your product, service, business admin task etc?
  • Step 2: Define Output: What is produced at the end of the system; Product, service, by-products, waste?
  • Step 3: What are the steps in-between that take the required input materials and turn it into something of value for your customers, your output?

By following this framework and creating some simple “Box and Arrow” diagrams that clearly lay out the sequence of steps in the process, you can begin to create more efficiency and productivity in your business.

This also allows you to outsource areas of the sequence that are not the best use of your time.

Hiring the right people with the right skills to manage and complete tasks that they specialise in and can do even better than you can is crucial if your business is to grow.

And providing these people with clear instructions on how to do what you want them to do is where your systems and “Workflow Diagrams” come into their own.

An awesome book that goes into much greater detail about creating business systems is “E-myth Mastery” By Michael Gerber. If your serious about making your business scalable, automated and more efficient, then it is a must read.

Maybe marketing is a part of your business that is taking up too much time, isn’t generating the results you would like or just isn’t happening because you’re to busy then grab the phone and call me on 0423 311 683 now or contact me here to start creating more consistency and profits from your lead generation and lead conversion.

To Your Future Prosperity,

James Brine

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