Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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Email ListThe importance of a highly responsive list cannot be oversold it is the most critical aspect your information marketing businesses success, (or any online business for that matter).

Over the next two weeks you’ll learn 7 of the best methods for building your list quickly with some examples and action steps for each so you can implement them immediately in your business and start your profit engines running.

First cab on the rank is Article Marketing.

Writing quality content rich articles is a great way to drive lots of targeted traffic to your site. There are so many benefits to sitting down and writing that it is close to one of the most important things you can do for your business.

The Internet is an information sharing medium, so the more info you share the more your business and your website will spread across the world and be seen by people interested in your industry.

When you submit an article to an article directory you must first create a profile, this will be where all your articles are stored and you can manage your bio and your resource boxes, which allow you to link back to your website at the end of each article (this is the major benefit of article marketing). There are many other features but for now you just need a bio a picture of yourself and a great resource box.

Once you are set up and your articles are posted, people can then come and read your articles and also republish them on their sites.

But here’s the great part.

Whoever wants to republish your article as new content on your site must include your resource box that has the back link to your site, which drives traffic.

Also having your links on various sites including the high-ranking article directories will improve your SEO ranking and generate more organic traffic.

A well written article with great useful content can really set you up as an expert in your target market, just one more bonus.

Ok so lets get to it.

First you want to quickly research a topic that your target market is highly interested in, or fix a problem that keeps coming up from your customers.

Some of the best and most republished articles are written in a 7 best tips… or 3 things you must know before…  format.

These articles are great for giving valued information in an easy to read format and provide you with a great headline for your article.

Once you have written your article (around 400-800 words is perfect), you can then submit it to various article directories such as, and is great. You can submit articles for free, but for $2 per article you can have send your article to hundreds of other directories for you. Very handy.

Make sure your resource box, where you have your link is compelling and gives the reader a reason why they should visit.

EXAMPLE: For people interested in learning more in-depth _____________ techniques visit and don’t forget to sign up to get your free report “7 ways to quickly and easily________” while your there.

Ok so now your article is submitted, it can take anywhere from 24hrs to 1 week to be approved and its best to read the directory guidelines before you begin to avoid and hassles.

The more articles you submit and the higher the quality, the quicker they will be approved.

Ok now you have this great content. Lets find some more uses for it.

Post it in your blog for your feed subscribers.

Send an email out to your current list to tell them there’s great new content and get them back to your site. This also builds value and people love to get great information.

It’s all about building customer loyalty and positioning yourself as an expert in your industry.

Another thing you can now do with your content is, turn your article into a video to post on or other video sharing sites. I will go into how to create great video marketing materials in a later article in this series so make sure keep an eye out or subscribe to my list J.

So as you see there are so many benefits and ways to build your list just by writing articles and submitting them where they can go viral.

Action Steps:

– Research market interest

– Create profile in

– Write Bio and Resource box

– Create great content rich article and submit to as many sites as you possibly can

Stay posted for my next update in the ” 7 Best Email List Building Techniques Course”.

We’ll be going through joint ventures and how they can be the quickest way to get a massive amount of new subscribers instantly.

If there’s something in particular you would like me to cover, leave a comment below and we’ll get you sorted.

Have a great day and start implementing article marketing NOW!


James Brine

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