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Our Blog

Been a little slow on the blogging lately (things have been very busy here) but I just needed to quickly drop you a line because so many business owners I meet with and work with are facing this very problem.

I’m sure you have your business goals and read your books about planning, but are you achieving these goals.

The biggest problem I see that most small business owners have to overcome, is that they have a big picture goal but they haven’t brought that back to actionable daily task that will lead to success.

Easy task for the day…

– Define your most important business goal

– Visualize the road from your achievement of that goal all the way back to where you are today.

– Pinpoint the very next thing you have to do today to move just one step closer.

– Rinse and repeat 🙂

So go ahead make the phone call, update that old website, contact your past clients, just get the momentum happening.

I’d love to hear what your goals are and what you next physical action is towards achieving them.

If I can, I will help you take that next step in the right direction.

“To Your Future Prosperity”

James Brine


  1. James – I was thinking… funny … you’ve been too flat chat to write blog posts …it’s a similar problem small business owners face – being too busy being busy everyday. They’re too busy to take stock of what they’re doing to focus on what’s really important – those actionable daily task that will lead to success …

    • You make a very good point there, and I do agree that a lot of business owners do get caught up in the day to day and often very important task get shifted aside…

      This month has been especially busy as I have launched a new membership site with a parter focusing on a new niche. But things like regular blogs still need to be created. I’m soon starting to post video blogs and tutorials to educate on specific business growth strategies so that will be another task on my to do list but very exciting.


So, what do you think ?

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