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Wednesday 9.45am
Gold Coast, Australia

“Fancy words won’t sell your product, clear communication will”

G’day team

You would never make a major purchase from someone, who was try to sell to you in a different language. Simply because you don’t understand them, and can’t be sure exactly what your getting.

So why do so many people think that using technical words that the “layman” would never understand, will improve their conversions.

Whether it be when talking face to face, on the phone or in the copy you use in ads, sales letters or on your website. When it comes to selling your products or dealing with clients. There is rarely a benefit in using fancy language.

All tech savvy industry experts will appreciate simple, well thought out and concise language. Just as much
as a bunch of technical jargon, if you can clearly describe the benefits of what you can provide.

You will also avoid losing customers and clients through confusion and mistrust.

People love to feel smart, and hate to feel stupid.

You want your prospect to feel that you understand their situation, and that they will be able to easily understand, or use what it is your offering them.

This goes along way towards building rapport with a prospect. When you can develop a deep rapport, that
is when you turn a potential customer into a raving fan of your business, who will not only continue
to do business with you.

They will also become a great source of referral business.

“I just bought my new car at _____ and the salesman was so friendly and explained everything so simply.
He told me if anything goes wrong to come visit and he’ll take care of it straight away. It’s such a relief not feeling like your getting screwed somehow.

You should check em out for your car.”

Especially today, with so much referral business coming from social media connections. You have to be on the level with your customers, and that means talking to your customers how their friends would talk to them.

Obviously you still need to establish yourself as an expert in your chosen field, however this can be accomplished even better if your the “expert” who has the skill to convey technical terms in a language that anyone can understand.

Just say for example, you are selling a portable dvd player that has USB direct recording. If a grandmother is looking to buy this item for her grandson, chances are she may not know what this means.

So explain what it is and what it will do.

An ad saw recently listed a feature like this

USB Direct Recording.

That’s it, nothing more about it, surely the better option if space allows is this.

USB Direct Recording enables the user to record from CD audio disc to USB memory or MP3 device. This function will also render CD audio file to MP3 in the same instance.

This allows you to listen to your music on any device you wish.

If you are selling a technical item, it is fine to add these terms to explain what your selling to the educated buyer, but you must immediately follow up with what benefit will come from that feature.

So have a look at your current advertising copy, sales script or general communication to see if you can
“dumb” it down a little, to reach a wider audience and become the go to expert for people looking to learn.

Just test it and check the results, Let me know how you go.

Cheers team have a good one,

James Brine

P.S If you are looking for a powerful kick-start to your advertising and copywriting skills, so you
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What are you waiting for get Ad Camp Deluxe DVD Home Edition” now.

So, what do you think ?

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