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You are about to discover exactly how to develop a systematic and continual “Cycle Of Referrals”.

aking control and creating a systematic and continual circle of high quality referrals is often one of the cheapest and most effective strategies for bringing in new high paying clients.

Yes, a lot of businesses do generate a large amount of new leads through word-of-mouth and referrals; in fact you may already be doing very well from referrals yourself.

But when you develop a consistent and finely tuned referral marketing strategy instead of just winging it, you soon realize just how much money you may be leaving on the table.

It all comes back to developing the “Life-Time Value” of your customers.

By this I don’t just mean repeat business, but how much money they can potentially bring you through new referrals.

Before we go into a simple proven 5-step referral system, I want to show you a very easy way to get started with referrals.

If you currently are not getting any work through referrals then here’s a big secret right now that I can guarantee will increase your referral rate starting tomorrow.

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