Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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No matter what industry you are in, no matter what media you use to market your business, these 8 do’s and don’t are what I have found create the biggest impact to my marketing results.

#1 Do Develop A Clear Mental Picture Of Your Target Prospect

It’s not good enough to create a marketing campaign with just a fair idea of who you are talking to. Researching exactly who you plan to sell to is the most important thing a business can do. You should be able to explain in detail what an average day in their life is like.

#2 Don’t Try To Sell To Everyone

By trying to make your products and services appeal to a broad market you dilute the potency of your marketing message. You will get a lot more people who really connect with what you are saying and avoid attracting customers who are more trouble than they are worth.

# 3 Do Have The Courage To Make A Bold Promise

OK, so some people may think your full of hype. But to a prospect who actually needs and will buy your products it may be the best thing they read all year. If you can solve someone’s problem, then tell them about it for god sake. Lay on the benefits you provide one after the other until all buying resistance is crushed.

# 4 Don’t Beat Around The Bush

You’ve seen it “Satisfaction Guaranteed”, “Quality Service”. Sounds very nice but what does it mean and how does it help your prospect. If you do provide great customer service tell them exactly how you do it. “We respond to all inquiries within 30 minutes”, ” All products delivered to your door within 3 days”.

# 5 Do Be Special

This is so important. If there is nothing special about your business, no reason for someone to tell all their friends and family about their buying experience with you, then I’m sorry but you’re in trouble. Your point of difference could be your wide range, your service guarantee or customer convenience.

There are 14 specific ways you can differentiate your business in a positive way, you must find one.

# 6 Don’t Copy Your Competition

As a Copywriter it’s painful to look at most the websites and yellow pages ads out there. When a business owner is creating copy for a new website or Ad, 95 out of 100 times I can tell exactly where they are getting the bulk of their content from, their competition.

Please don’t let this be you.

# 7 Do Give Your Prospect A Reason To Respond NOW

Everyone is so busy these days that if your marketing doesn’t get your prospect to at least take some kind of immediate action, chances are they never will. How many products or services have you seen advertised that you actually wanted to buy, but for some reason got sidetracked and never ended up buying? Add a time limit and extra bonus of for the first 50 customers and watch your responses soar.

# 8 Don’t Think One Ad Will Change Everything

Marketing is an ongoing process of testing, tracking and tinkering. People who may not respond today may respond next week or next month. Keep your business visible as much as possible and consistently communicate the benefits your offer the customer.

I promise you if you consistently apply all these Do’s and Don’ts to your business you will attract more customers and grow your sales.

“To Your Future Prosperity”

James Brine


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