The Critical Ingredient To Your Marketing Success
Creating the professional and financial success you crave requires many attributes persistence, motivation, intelligence, and creativity to name a few.
But without a doubt the most critical to all success in any endeavour in life is “ACTION“.
It makes no difference if you want to start your own business, change careers, lose weight or find love.
The moment you get up and start to move towards your goal with any kind of action, the universe begins to attract the resources and opportunities you are looking for towards you.
This can be simply highlighted by remembering the amount of you have met who claim to have million dollar ideas.
Yes they very well may have an idea that could generate a million dollars or more, but without action that idea is worthless.
But don’t despair.
The great thing about taking massive and bold action towards a worthy goal is that it always creates progress and has positive consequences.
Even if the action you take is not the best possible action you could have taken at that time, you will soon learn from your mistakes and have momentum behind you to take advantage of the new opportunities that have presented themselves because you actually did something.
The opposite of action is inertia. Making excuses about why you cannot take action is the “catch cry” of people who have never, and will never live their dreams and achieve their goals.
You must understand that there will never be a perfect time to take the first steps towards your life goals. There will always be the old excuses of lacking time, money and resources.
Once you understand that those same excuses will be there tomorrow, next week even next year you will see that getting up today and taking that first step is the only option for someone who is serious about achieving more from this short life we have.
Another thing about action is the bolder the action you take the more momentum and power it generates.
Reading a book about a subject you want to gain knowledge on – such as marketing your business – is great, you’re doing something, you’re taking action.
Getting up and going to a seminar on marketing strategies will create even more energy and more opportunities.
Going out on a limb and beginning to test a new marketing strategy and tracking your results will give you an insiders angle on what actually works and the real life education and connections you make will put you a year or more in front of just laying on the couch and reading that very same book.
So know you know there is no time like now o take action and that the bolder your action the greater the results what will you do today that will get your life moving towards the goals you have set for yourself.
“To Your Future Prosperity”
Lucile D. Travis
Working with a “bias toward action” is central to productive creativity. In this tip series, we offer an in-depth intro to Behance’s own Action Method.