Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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There’s really is no magic behind what the most successful marketers in the world do.

In fact it is the most basic, yet essential elements of winning advertising that
separates those who enjoy huge profits, an endless flow of orders and what
seems like the midas touch in business, from those who struggle to make a single sale.

I want to make it clear right upfront,(so I don’t waste anyones time, and ensure only the right people read this article) if your looking to get rich quickly and easily. Then your not going to
like what I have to say…

It all comes down to doing the work…focusing on the task at hand
and having a clear definition of what result you want to achieve…

You may have heard many marketers say ” Researching your target market is
the most critical aspect of creating a successful advertisement”.

And that is true…But it’s only a part of the process.

You must be willing to dig deeper. Try to really get know your prospect.
Here a few questions you must ask when in the creative process:

– Who is the prospect?
What are some typical characteristics of your target market?
Try to develop a picture in your head of this person?

– What’s happening in their life?
Why would they be reading your message what deep desire are
they trying to fulfill?
– Improve their child’s future.
– Be able to quit their day job etc;

-Where are they, and how did they come across your message?
Are they sitting at work with a pile of emails to get through, when your
message popped up? Are they relaxing with the Sunday paper? Or
did they actively search for your particular service or product?

– What are they looking for?
What is it that you can tell them that will make their day?

If you think deeply and really try to see through your markets eyes
and feel through their hearts ( I know that sounds like a load of crap,
but just try get inside their emotions). You will be able to connect
on a much deeper level.

And get a much better reaction.

Next take a look at yourself and your products.
These next questions will be easy to answer if you have
really thought about your earlier responses.

– How does your message provide value?
Your fighting for your prospects attention. Why should they
devote their time to listening to your sales pitch?

– Why should they want to read more when they could easily do something else?
Self explanatory.

– How can you improve their life?
Again a very simple question. That should have a simple answer.

Still  the amount of advertising I see that clearly has not given any thought to
these questions is truly amazing.

If you are willing to put in the  hours when it comes to this kind of research
and focused thinking. Then whatever you say to your client
will be 10 times more effective than 90% of the advertising, people
are bombarded with every day.

Show some empathy, reap the rewards and develop a new sense of how you
really are improving lives, by persuading the right person to buy your product
or service.

I thought I should revisit this quickly tdoay. So I hope you do not underestimate
the power of its simplicity.

Have a great day. And don’t forget subscribe for free, so you receive
notification of future articles.


James Brine


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