How To Control Your Beliefs And Speed Up Your Success Story
So often you seem to end up in places and situations without knowing how you got there.
Something must of lead you there. A desire, a fear, a choice you made, an action that you took. All these things are eventually the factors that shape your life and determine your destination.
But who’s in control? And what basis are you making your decisions on?
You see if you aren’t consciously aware of the beliefs that guide your decisions, and ultimately your actions. You become like a bag in the wind, blowing aimlessly without a clear direction. And unless you are really “lucky”, you’re not going to end up where you thought or where you wanted to.
So where are you now?
Is it where you thought or dreamed you would be?
If not. Why not?
This is a very tough question to answer, and for that exact reason 99% of people will go through life without ever giving this incredibly important and often painful question the time and the concentration it deserve, nay requires to ensure success.
Now some may say ignorance is bliss. Well let me tell your, ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance is pain. Ignorance is poverty.
That’s why in the next few minutes I’m going to show you exactly how to become self-aware and start engineering a belief system that will subconsciously work for you – 24 hours a day 7 days a week – as a driving force in your quest for success, whatever that may mean to you.
“What” I hear you say. “How can you show me in a few minutes how to quickly and easily make such an important change.” And that’s a very valid question.
The fact is you were probably never taught to be aware of your beliefs and how they effect every decision and every action you take in life.
You were taught Math. You were taught English. But when it comes to learning how to take control of your mind, so it becomes your strongest asset able to lead you to whatever you dream. You were most likely left to fend for yourself, and unless you actively sought out mentors or information to teach you a better way, then you have been at the mercy of beliefs that may actively be working against you.
So when people like you and me decide that enough is enough, and we realize there must be a better way, and we are open to the possibility of a better way. Then the hard work is almost already done, and a few simple exercises will have you on your way to creating your new successful belief system.
You see once you are aware of your beliefs you can stand back and take an objective look at them. Then you have the power to decide which of your beliefs are empowering, and which are stopping you from achieving the goals you have set for yourself.
So let’s get started.
Step 1.
Firstly you need to spend 5 minutes writing down every empowering belief that you have about yourself. These are beliefs that you hold as fact, that allow you to achieve your goals, to create joy and have a overall positive effect on the way you live.
It could be anything:
– Your good with numbers
– You learn quickly
– You are good at dealing with people
– You’re the best karaoke singer you know (this one can bring a lot of joy)
Now I want you to do the same thing with beliefs that are holding you back. Beliefs that everyday are working against you in your pursuit of happiness.
Such as:
– Your aren’t disciplined
– Your not a good public speaker
– Your didn’t have a good upbringing and that’s why your not successful
– You could never run a successful business because you don’t have enough experience.
This is just a random list. (Ok, there may be a few personal notes slipped in there from when I first did this exercise.) But the point is when you are aware of your limiting beliefs, you can start to work with them and turn them into powerful personal assets.
Step 2.
The positive beliefs we now focus on, recognize and make even stronger. We know we learn quickly, so we attack every new obstacle with the absolute belief that we can quickly and easily overcome and capitalize on it, and because we are such great learners this will be easy. Now that’s a powerful way to approach your next problem right?
Step 3.
OK, now to the negative beliefs. Take the top three most limiting beliefs on your list. Beliefs that hold you back, make you fearful, and create worry in your life. Now think about all the things you do or are doing in your life that don’t fit with this belief.
If you believe your not disciplined. Think about that one-time when you worked late to finish a project, or forced yourself to go running when it was cold and drizzling outside. It could be anything, big or small, just make sure you recognize that this is only a belief. It is not fact and it is not set in stone.
So you see you have the power to be disciplined when you want to and when you focus on it, so do it more. Everyday build doubt in your negative beliefs by doing something that is contrary to that belief.
Step 4.
Even a small improvement with consistent effort will grow powerful very quickly, so you must make this a daily habit. This constant pressure on your negative beliefs and a focus on how you want to act in that situation instead, will soon destroy it, and you will have yet another ally pushing you towards your goals.
Soon enough these empowering beliefs will dictate your daily actions, your state of mind and your level of success. As these positive beliefs grow and grow they become an unstoppable force allowing you to embrace new opportunities and challenges with an absolute and undeniable belief that you will succeed. You will not be denied and you have every tool available to make your dreams a reality.
I know you will do these exercises and create a new foundation on which all your future accomplishments will be built. The momentum starts the second you do. So don’t waste another minute get excited for the journey ahead and create your first new positive belief today.
This may not be directly marketing information, but when you combine a positive mindset, knowledge, and skill you have the tools to create success in every area of your life.
James Brine