Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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1.11 pm Saturday
Gold Coast, Australia 

Where do the hours go?
So much to do, yet so little time.

Even when we think we are working hard and making a progress. It still seems the flood of profits we are promised if we put in the effort, is barely a trickle.

Or worse a bone-dry riverbed.

So what happened to making a living from home, working 3 hours a day and enjoying the freedom and lifestyle of a successful online entrepreneur?

We’ll in there are some critical steps that make all the difference, between those who seem to take of in the first few months of business online.

And those that are doomed to running round in circles without and rewards.

Here are the critical steps to getting some reward from all that effort.

1. Write down the process of how your business actually works.

From first contact with a prospect, to dealing with shipping and after sales customer service.

Having a written timeline of how your business actually flows, and how you end up with money in your bank account. Will give you great guide to know what is the next most important duty you must attend to.

2. Clear Your Work Space And Set A Time For Work.

This may seen trivial, but a clear, uncluttered workstation, with NO distractions. Will encourage you to get to work and give your body and mind space to get creative.

So even if you are not going to do any work creative work right now. Clean your desk.

Right Now. I’ll wait here for you and should only take 5 minutes.

Your back, great.

Now we are ready to set some time aside some time to actually start making money.

Now everyone is different. Some people are morning people, and some like to burn the midnight oil.

Figure out when you are at your most creative focused and able to produce quality results. This is really a huge deal.

Myself, I find that in the early afternoon is when I can get 4 hours worth of work dope in 90 mins. The house is quite, I feel fresh and I’ve made a habit of sitting down and 2pm and going hard.

So look back and find when you produce your best work, and set that aside to completely focus on the task at hand.

3. Decide What To Work On.
Now we have a clear workstation and have a set aside a minimum of 2 hours to really focus. We have to decide what we will work on.

If we set aside time and don’t actually think about what we are going to work on. You get all fired up, ready to work, sit down at the computer and….


Then you spend the first half hour deciding what to do.

Or worse, we start looking at email get distracted and the next thing we know our 2 hours is up.

Decide what is the next most important thing that stands in the way of you and making money. So in the time leading up you begin to come up with ideas and by the time you sit down everything seems to just flow from your brain.

4. Now Get To Work.
Turn your phone off, disable email alerts, shut down all your open web pages- except what your focused on and just get it done.

Every day you stick to this, it will become easier and more effective and very soon your business will go ti the next level and you’ll feel the excitement of a little success.

Then you are off….

Trust me this works.

When this becomes a habit and you get into the groove.

The money will follow.

You must be focused and you must be consistent.

If you’ve read this far, you are serious. So make sure this becomes a daily routine and in no time you will see results.

I know you can do this. It’s not hard, it just takes some discipline and good planning.

Have a good weekend. And what a great time to implement what you’ve just learnt.

James Brine


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