Do You Have Marketing Questions? We Have Answers

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Far to many business owners are unsatisfied with their current results yet refuse to try anything new.

I guarantee not one in a hundred of your competitors are using the technique I’m about to reveal, and that gives you another massive advantage.

Joint Ventures are one of the simplest and most economical ways to attracts a flood of new targeted leads instantly.

A Joint Venture is where two non-competitive businesses leverage each others existing assets ( customer base, distribution process; etc) to grow their businesses.

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are in there are always many opportunities to create lucrative JV deals

You want to build JV partnerships with businesses that deal with people in your target market but do not provide the exact same services.

Get creative when brainstorming possible JV opportunities, because just 2 or 3 successful JV deals can keep your business busy for a very long time.

Questions to ask your self.

-What businesses deal with my target market?

-Who might be able to provide other services to my clients?

– Are there any businesses that fit into both these categories?

The opportunities are endless…

Once you have found these businesses you must simply take the plunge and give them a call and see if they are interested in setting up some kind of mutually beneficial deal. Or you could even write a simple letter and send it to a hundred possible JV partners.

Again it all comes down to action and implementation. Just find the time to get it done or hire someone to help you get it done. You’ll be glad you did.

To your future prosperity,

James Brine
Direct Response Marketing and Copywriting Specialist



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